June 24, 2013
1. It is the policy of the Oroville Cemetery District to encourage the placement of monuments, markers and plaques (hereinafter collectively "markers") on the interred remains of loved ones to commemorate their lives and mark the location of their remains.
Although such markers, as well as their placement and installation, must conform to the Rules & Requirements of the District, the Oroville Cemetery District does not own or control any such marker. Accordingly, the Oroville Cemetery Districts, its Trustees, officers, managers and employees are not responsible for the loss or damage to any marker, unless such loss or damage is the result of the negligence or misconduct of a Trustee, officer, manager or employee of the District.
It is the responsibility of the purchasers of markers, or the family of such purchasers or the family of the deceased to maintain all markers placed in the Oroville Cemetery District, to maintain the markers in safe condition, and to repair all damage to markers resulting from any cause other than the negligence or misconduct of a Trustee, officer, manager or employee of the Districts.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Oroville Cemetery District reserves the right to repair or remove any marker the District deems to be in an unsafe condition and which might pose a threat to the safety of the public or employees of the District.
If a damaged marker has been in place in the Oroville Cemetery District for 25 years, and if the District is unable to locate a family member responsible for the care and upkeep of the marker, the District may, as its sole discretion, elect to either repair, remove or replace a damaged marker.
2. Markers, monuments and benches will be set when all cemetery charges have been paid in full. Interments and routine maintenance take priority over marker, monument and bench placement. Therefore, on a time-permitting basis, District personnel will place markers, monuments and benches in the order they are received. Estimated placement dates will be given, but are subject to change without notice due to interment and maintenance schedules and weather conditions.
3. All markers, monuments and benches are placed within a cement border (with the exception of the solid granite frame markers that do not require a border) and may not be altered or defaced in any manner. The fee for the placement of a marker, monument or bench includes the installation of flower vase(s) within the cement border. Flower vases, other than what the District provides are not allowed. An exception to this rule includes a professionally manufactured vase that actually accompanies a monument. In this case, the vase shall and will be placed either upon the monument or its base.
4. The Oroville Cemetery District, its Trustees, officers, managers, and employees are not liable for damage, theft, vandalism or deterioration of markers, monuments, bases or benches.
5. Marker Requirements:
(a) Only professionally manufactured markers of granite, marble or bronze will be accepted.
Markers Requiring Cement Border:
(b) All markers must be flat, with the exception of bronze markers, and must be a minimum of 3" thick. Lettering, emblems, pictures, borders or other designs raised more than â…›" above marker surface will not be accepted.
(c) Single markers shall be 12" x 24"; however 8" x 16" is acceptable.
(d) Single-double markers shall be 12" x 24".
(e) Double markers for side by side plots shall be 12" x 36". An exception to the marker size requirement for side by side plots would be that of a government issued marker that includes names of both husband and wife. Because the marker can include both names and is a standard size of 12" x 24", it will be centered between the side by side plots and will be placed within a cement border that normally accommodates a 12" x 36" marker.
(f) Infant markers for infant plots shall be 8" x 16".
(g) Bronze plaques shall be 4" x 9" and at least ¼" thick, but no more than ½" thick. Government issued plaques, 5½" x 8½", are also acceptable. To ensure a proper and secure setting within a cement border, bronze markers and plaques shall include bolts and studs, normally provided by the manufacturer.
Niche plaques shall be of bronze and in a scroll format. Single niche plaques shall be 2â…›" x 5½" and double niche plaques shall be 3" x 7¼".
Resthaven, Section B, Plot Nos. 1204 through 2552.
Only one marker allowed and shall either be 8" x 16" or 12" x 24". No plaques are allowed.
(j) Markers or plaques that do not meet District requirements will not be accepted.
"Frame" Markers Not Requiring a Cement Border:
(k) All framer markers must be solid granite and 3" thick.
(l) Single and Single-Double frame markers shall be 24" x 32".
(m) Double frame markers for side by side plots shall be 24" x 44".
(n) Infant frame markers for infant plots shall be 24" x 20".
6. Monument Requirements:
(a) Only professionally manufactured monuments of granite, marble or bronze will be accepted.
Bases are required with the exception of a pillow type monument. All monuments mounted on bases must be pre-drilled to enable pinning.
(c) Old Oroville, Jewish, and Wyandotte Cemeteries.
(d) Memorial Park Cemetery – Resthaven.
Section C, Plot Nos. 1 through 195; and Section D, Plot Nos. 100 through 849.
Section B, Row Nos. 1 through 10.
Section E, Plot Nos. 129 through 410; and Section F, Plot Nos. 100 through 427.
Section E, Plot Nos. 532 through 980; and Section F, Plot Nos. 500 through 965.
(e) Pillow type monuments or monuments that are set on a tilt shall be a minimum of 6 inches thick. Bases for pillow type monuments are optional.
A variance to the size requirement in Section E, Plot Nos. 532 through 980 and Section F, Plot Nos. 500 through 965, may be requested; however, is subject to the approval of the District Board of Trustees.
(g) Monuments that do not meet District requirements and that have not received previous District authorization will not be accepted.
(h) Additional fees may apply.
(i) Alpha Section C row 18 and Alpha D row 15 designated monument plots.
7. Bench Requirements:
Bench sites have been previously designated. For more information pertaining to the availability and authorization of site locations, contact the District office.
The District shall determine bench size. Only professionally manufactured benches of granite, cement or other District approved material will be accepted.
Benches that do not meet District requirements will not be accepted.
Revision Dates: June 24, 2013, February 23, 2009, May 27, 2008, September 12, 2005, August 12, 2002, February 13, 1996